15th World Congress Endometriosis, 2023
Edinburgh, Scotland
Congress Presidents: Andrew Horne and Philippa Saunders
13th World Congress on Endometriosis, 2017
Vancouver, Canada
Congress President: Catherine Allaire
12th World Congress on Endometriosis, 2014
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Congress President: Mauricio Abrao
- Highlights from WCE2014
- Recipient of the 2014 WES Rodolphe Maheux Award
- Recipient of the 2014 WES David Healy Award
- Recipient of the 2014 SBE Prize for the Best Video
11th World Congress on Endometriosis, 2011
Montpellier, France
Congress President: Bernard Hedon
- Highlights from WCE2011
- Recipient of the 2011 WES Rodolphe Maheux Award
- 11 pioneers in endometriosis honoured at WCE2011
10th World Congress on Endometriosis, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Congress president: David Healy
- Highlights from WCE2008
- Scientific summary from WCE2008
- Recipients of the 2008 WES Rodolphe Maheux Award
9th World Congress on Endometriosis, 2005
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Congress president: Johannes LH Evers
- Scientific summary of WCE2005
- Abstracts from the pre-congress course: Best practice in endometriosis
8th World Congress on Endometriosis, 2002
San Diego, USA
Congress president: John Rock
7th World Congress on Endometriosis, 2000
London, United Kingdom
Congress presidents: Robert Shaw and Eric Thomas
6th World Congress on Endometriosis, 1998
Quebec City, Canada
Congress presidents: André Lemay and Rodolphe Maheux
5th World Congress on Endometriosis, 1996
Yokohama, Japan
Congress presidents: Hiroshi Miaguichi and Osamu Suggimoto
4th World Congress on Endometriosis, 1994
Salvadore, Brazil
Congress presidents: Arnaldo Acosta and Elsimar Coutinho
3rd World Congress on Endometriosis, 1992
Bruxelles, Belgium
Congress presidents: Jacques Donnez and Ivo Brosens
2nd World Congress on Endometriosis, 1989
Houston, USA
Congress president: Veasy Buttram
1st World Congress on Endometriosis, 1986
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Congress president: Maurice Bruhat