Keynote speakers
[read more]Dr Jason Abbott is Professor of Gynaecological Surgery at the University of New South Wales. He is a Principle Investigator and Chair for the National Endometriosis and Clinical Trials (NECST) network a, is a member of The Federal Governments Endometriosis Advisory Group and Chairs the College Expert Advisory Group on Endometriosis. Jason is the Medical Director of Endometriosis Australia, a charity established to improve education and awareness of the condition as well as raise research funds. He helped shape Australia’s National Action Plan for Endometriosis launched July 2018 – the first for any disease in Australia and a blueprint for all other national action plans. [/read] |
[read more]Linda G. Griffith is Professor of Biological and Mechanical Engineering and MacVicar Fellow at MIT, where she directs the Center for Gynepathology Research. She has pioneered approaches in tissue engineering and organs-on-chips and now integrates these platform technologies with systems biology to humanize drug development. She has chaired numerous scientific meetings, including the Keystone Tissue Organoids Conference (2020), the Signal Transduction by Engineering Extracellular Matrix Gordon Research Conference (2016), and has co-chaired the Open Endoscopy Forum at MIT annually since 2015. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and recipient of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, and several awards from professional societies. Dr. Griffith currently serves on the advisory board of the Society for Women’s Health Research and has served on the advisory committee to the Director of the National Institutes of Health. She received her BS from Georgia Tech and PhD from UC Berkeley, both in chemical engineering. [/read] |
[read more]Doctor Yuval Kaufman is a Senior Consultant at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Carmel Medical Center in Haifa, Israel. He is the founder and Head of the ‘Multidisciplinary Center for the Treatment of Endometriosis’ and Head of Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery at Carmel. Dr Kaufman is co-founder of Noga Medical – a multidisciplinary private center of excellence for gynecological surgery and other types of surgery for women. He is a faculty member (Clinical lecturer) at the Technion Israeli Institute for Technology (Technion ITT) and a consultant for numerous start-up companies for medical devices (Gynica, Ark Surgical, MST). Dr Kaufman is also a board member of the Asian Society of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis (ASEA). [/read] |
[read more]Dr. Missmer received her Master and Doctor of Science (ScD) degrees in epidemiology from Harvard School of Public Health. Much of her research has focused on identifying factors that affect the risk for and consequences of endometriosis. In 2012, Dr. Missmer co-founded the Boston Center for Endometriosis with Dr. Marc Laufer, and serves as the Scientific Director, where she designed the Women’s Health Study: from Adolescence to Adulthood (A2A). That same year she launched, with co-PI Dr. Krina Zondervan, the WERF Endometriosis Phenome and Biobanking Harmonization Project (EPHect), which provides standardized tools for endometriosis-focused data and biologic sample collection. Dr. Missmer is Immediate Past Chair of ASRM EndoSIG, International Advisor for ESHRE SIG-EED, member of WERF Board of Trustees, and Treasurer of WES. [/read] |
[read more]MD, PhD, FRANZCOG, CREI Prof Rombauts is the Medical Director for Monash IVF Group. He is the President of the Fertility Society of Australia, the current President-elect of the World Endometriosis Society and a Trustee of the World Endometriosis Research Foundation. He currently holds appointments as Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Monash University and Head of the Reproductive Medicine Clinic at Monash Health. He was the Program Chair of the 2008 World Congress on Endometriosis, the Co-Chair of the 2011 World Congress of Human Reproduction and the Convener of the 2018 Fertility Society of Australia meeting in Melbourne. [/read] |
[read more]Dr. Kosuke Yoshihara is a gynecologic oncologist and physician’s scientist. He holds a medical degree and a Doctor of Philosophy from Niigata University. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Now he is an associate professor in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Niigata University (Department Chair: Prof. Takayuki Enomoto). He specializes in multiomics (genome, transcriptome, and proteome) analysis in the obstetrics and gynecology field. He has recently focused on genomic linkage from normal endometrium to ovarian cancer vie endometriosis. [/read] |
Seminar speakers
[read more]From 2011 Clinical Assistant, Infertility Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico (Director: Pr. E. Somigliana) In 2018 nominee in 30 worlds’ expertize in endometriosis by Expertscape ( She is Mentor at School of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Università degli Studi di Milano. Since the period of her residence to nowadays, she had mostly attended the Infertility Unit. Her reaserch is mostly incentrated on endometriosis and infertility. She had explore clinical management of endometriotic patient in medical reproduction. Moreover, other fields of research include medical reproduction, reproductive surgery and female infertility. Publications Pubmed: 52. [/read] |
[read more]Dr. Leslie V. Farland is an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona. Her research program focuses on women’s reproductive and gynecologic health and can be broadly categorized into three major themes: i) the intersection between reproductive health and chronic disease, ii) the etiology of infertility and endometriosis, and iii) disparities in access to infertility and endometriosis care. [/read] |
[read more]Professor Guo received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1991. He worked at University of Michigan and University of Minnesota before becoming a tenured full Professor at Medical College of Wisconsin. After serving a three-year term directorship at the Institute of Obstetric and Gynecologic Research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, he has been Professor at Shanghai OB/GYN Hospital, Fudan University since 2010. Currently he serves as an Associate Editor for Human Reproduction Update and several other international journals. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Endometriosis Society (WES), the Society of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders (SEUD), and the Asian Society of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis (ASEA), and a member of the WHO Expert Working Groups (EWG3A). [/read] |
[read more]Horace Roman is surgeon at Endometriosis Center of the Clinique Tivoli-Ducos, Bordeaux and Honorary Professor at Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. He has managed more than 1,000 patients with deep endometriosis infiltrating the digestive tract, 250 with endometriosis of urinary tract and 60 with endometriosis of sacral roots and sciatic nerves. He privileges conservative procedures in deep endometriosis of the rectum, and performed more than 270 disc excisions. His approach to ovarian endometriomas is based on the ablation of the inner surface of the cyst using the plasma energy, with the aim of preserving ovarian parenchyma and ovarian reserve. [/read] |
[read more]Professor Andrew Horne MB ChB PhD FRCOG FRCP Edin Andrew is co-director of the EXPPECT Centre for Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis in Edinburgh and Chair of the Academic Board at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. He is UK Representative for ESHRE, WES Ambassador, Member of the SEUD Scientific Board, Trustee and Medical Advisor to Endometriosis UK and Medical Advisor to the Pelvic Pain Support Network. He is also a member of the NICE and ESHRE Endometriosis Guideline Committees. He has co-authored a book on endometriosis for patients called “The Experts’ Guide to Treat, Manage and Live Well with Your Symptoms”.[/read] |
[read more]Dr. Nilufer Rahmioglu is a senior research scientist, investigating genetic and environmental risk factors of endometriosis and related co-morbidities at the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford. She received her PhD in genetic epidemiology from King’s College London in 2011; her MSc in Environmental Health from Cyprus International Institute in association with Harvard School of Public Health in 2007; her BA in Biology from Clark University in 2006. Her research involves, (1) elucidation of the underlying genetic mechanisms of endometriosis through genome-wide association studies, transcriptomic and epigenomic profiling of endometrium and fat tissues, (2) investigation of phenotypic and shared genetic associations between endometriosis and obesity-related traits, gynaecological, immune and other chronic pain conditions, (3) investigation of influence of the ‘Mediterranean lifestyle’ and the genetic factors on women’s health from the Eastern Mediterranean region (Cyprus Women’s Health Research Initiative). She presented her research in numerous international conferences and has more than 30 peer-reviewed publications. [/read] |
[read more]Philippa Saunders is a biomedical scientist and Professor of Reproductive Steroids in Edinburgh where she directs a programme of translational research exploring new treatments for endometriosis-associated pain and infertility. Her group have developed pre-clinical assays for drug-repurposing and their research benefits from close collaboration with Clinical colleagues and engagement with Pharma. She is Registrar of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences. She has trained more than 50 PhD/MSc students. [/read] |
[read more]Arne Vanhie is a gynecologist at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the University Hospital Leuven, Belgium, with a special interest in endometriosis and infertility. He obtained his medical degree at Leuven University, Belgium. During his residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology he worked at the University Hospital Leuven and University Hospital of Wales, in Cardiff. He holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences with a thesis on microRNA as biomarkers for endometriosis. As part of his PhD he worked on a two year project in the baboon model for endometriosis at the Institute of Primate Research in Nairobi, Kenya. After a research fellowship at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Yale University he started working in the Leuven University Fertility Center. The greater part of his clinical practice are couples who need pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT-M) and women with endometriosis-related pain or infertility. His research is focused on the non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis in the Lab of Experimental Gynaecology at Leuven University.[/read] |
[read more]Dingmin Yan received her MD from the Fudan University. She has engaged in clinical and fundamental research of endometriosis and adenomyosis for 5 years. Since 2017, she has been Resident at Shanghai OB/GYN Hospital. She participated as speaker in several international conferences, i.e. ACE and SEUD, and has published 5 SCI papers as first and co-first author. [/read] |
[read more]Paul Yong, MD, PhD, FRCSC is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of British Columbia, and Research Director at the BC Women’s Centre for Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis, in Vancouver, Canada ( Dr. Yong is a gynecologist with a fellowship in Endometriosis, Pelvic Pain, and Advanced Laparoscopy, whose clinical and research program is focused on endometriosis and on dyspareunia ( Dr. Yong is also a Health Professional Investigator with the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, Co-director of the Reproductive and Developmental Sciences Graduate Program at the University of British Columbia, and serves as a Junior Ambassador for the World Endometriosis Society. [/read] |
Session chairs
David Adamson |
Annemiek Nap |
Catherine Allaire |
Peter Rogers |
Erkut Attar |
Luk Rombauts |
Christian Becker |
Andrea Romano |
Deborah Bush |
Philippa Saunders |
Rodrigo Fernandes |
Sebastian Schaefer |
Rui Ferriani |
Pamela Stratton |
Axel Forman |
Kathryn Terry |
Erin Greaves |
Chii-Ruey Tzeng |
Andrew Horne |
Paola Vigano |
Louise Hull |
Katy Vincent |
Neil Johnson |
Guo-Yun Wang |
Khaleque Khan |
Arnaud Wattiez |
Ludwig Kiesel |
Lucy Whitaker |
Brett McKinnon |
Krina Zondervan |
Stacey Missmer |