Recommendations on the surgical treatment of deep endometriosis

Recommendations on the surgical treatment of deep endometriosis

27 February 2020

The World Endometriosis Society, together with ESHRE and the ESGE working group, has finalised a second paper [1] in a series of recommendations on the practical aspects of the surgical procedures for the treatment of endometriosis.

The first part of this series on endometrioma surgery was published in 2017 [2]. This second part focuses on the surgical management of deep endometriosis.

After general considerations such as definitions and anatomical specifications, this publication concentrates on recommendations related to pre-operative management and surgical technique respective of location and extent of disease.

Choices of different treatment options for the treatment of deep endometriosis, and the selection of patients that would benefit from surgery, are beyond the scope of this document. Conservative treatment, including pain management, has to be considered thoroughly.

CLICK HERE for full access to the paper and images

  1. Working group of ESGE, ESHRE, and WES, et al. Recommendations for the surgical treatment of endometriosis. Part 2: deep endometriosis. Hum Reprod Open 2020; doi:10.1093/hropen/hoaa002 and Facts Views Vis Obgyn 2020;11(4):269-297
  2. Working group of ESGE, ESHRE, and WES, et al. Recommendations for the surgical treatment of endometriosis. Part 1: endometrioma. Gyn Surg 2017;14:27 and Hum Reprod Open 2017;4:1-6