In honour of the memory of Rodolphe Maheux, co-founder of the World Endometriosis Society, the board of the WES instigated an award to be presented at each future World Congress of Endometriosis (WCE) from 2008 onwards:
The award, which carries free registration to the following World Congress on Endometriosis, will be presented to the first author and presenter of the best clinical presentation or poster at each world congress. The author/presenter must be under the age of 40 at the time of the congress.
The winner will be announced at the closing ceremony of each WCE by the chairman of the WES RM Committee and the award will be presented by the WES president.
The Rodolphe Maheux Award for 2014 has been made possible by a donation from the Mangiagalli Journal Club Association.
→ Winner of the WCE2023 Rodolphe Maheux Award
→ Winner of the WCE2014 Rodolphe Maheux Award
→ Winner of the WCE2011 Rodolphe Maheux Award
→ Winners of the WCE2008 Rodolphe Maheux Award